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Why I stick to elegant minimalism

Many of you will probably agree with me that elegant minimalism is beautiful and you would like to wear clothes like that every day. Well – such situation is in my case . My Pinterest is full of classic, elegant and minimalist sets, kept in a neutral color palette. However, although I am steeped in such a minimalist style, this elegant minimalism is much more difficult to achieve than it might seem. Especially if I go shopping or I do shopping online and I’m blinded by the latest trends, intensive colors and expressive cuts. However, after such fashion madness I always come back to these minimalist sets. And for a long time I have a plan to clean my wardrobe...

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Be yourself

This season it's good to wear pastels, wide leg trousers, be fit and enjoy intensive cardio workout with Ewa Chodakowska; besides political correctness requires to enjoy and welcome illegal immigrants with open arms, and in a grocery store you should only buy gluten-free products. Popular porridge had been on my table before it began to celebrate its triumph in the world and in media, so it’s easy for me "to be trendy" in this case. However, if "life" requires to respect some rules "because it behoves" - I definitely say "no." I know it would be much easier to have my blog on Blogspot domain, and presenting clothes from best clothing shops would get me more page views and more...

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Why Gray? Beacause my ideas are colorful.

Gray again . Not that I’m a mouseburger, or that  I’m afraid of  wearing bold colors and flashy patterns. No, it’s not like that. Sometimes I reach for such "extravagances" and you could see that on my blog many times ;).  I simply like gray color. Not because it’s dull. It’s because gray is multidimensional. And I think gray has more than 50 shades ;) Znowu szary. Nie to żebym była jakąś szarą myszką, czy żebym bała się nosić odważne kolory czy krzykliwe wzory. Nie, to nie tak. Czasami sięgam po takie „ekstrawagancje” i nie raz mogliście zobaczyć to na moim blogu;) Ja po prostu lubię szarość. Nie dlatego, że jest nijaka. Dlatego właśnie, że jest tak wielowymiarowa. I myślę,...

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Total White look – how to wear white + GIVEAWAY

White from head to toe. First association that comes (I’m sure it’s not only my association) to my mind is a wedding dress. Alternatively doctor’s white coat or bakers workwear. But today I’m not going to write you about uniforms or wedding dresses (even that this subject is particularly close to me now). Today’s post is about total white look, which you can wear every day. At the end you can also find prize-giving. J.  Biel od stop do głów. Pierwsze skojarzenia które przychodzą (pewnie nie tylko mnie) na myśl to suknia ślubna. Ewentualnie lekarski kitel lub strój roboczy piekarza. Ale dziś nie będzie ani o roboczych uniformach ani o sukniach ślubnych (choć ta tematyka jest mi ostatnio szczególnie bliska).  Dziś będzie o białym total looku, i to takim, który możemy...

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