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5 Benefits of Going Offline for one Day (and how to unplug)

During last long weekend, I realized how good it is to take a break from computer, internet and  phone for one or two days. Simply- digital detox;) Of course, I wanted to work during those  few days off, but I decided to leave my laptop at home, and I took only iPad with me, because  I wanted to prepare some posts for the next days. But spending time with my fiancé , totally offline, outside, sipping coffee on the terrace, listening to the birds singing was a bigger pleasure  than sipping coffee and sitting with my phone or laptop. So for 5 days, I took little detox from technology;) At first it wasn’t easy, but on the second day I...

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8 benefits of swimming

Swimming is probably one of the most enjoyable ways to lose weight and to take care of your body and constitution. In addition, you can swim all year round, whatever the weather . What's more, not only does swimming care about your weight, but also about your beauty:)  Some time ago on my blog  I wrote you about my diet (here you can find the post about the OXY diet), and you have been asking me a lot of questions lately  about my physical activity. Besides exercises at home, I try to swim  2-3 times a week. Why do I like swimming so much? I'm going to present you 8 benefits of  swimming;) Pływanie to chyba jeden z najprzyjemniejszych sposobów na...

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Why It’s Okay To Fail And How To Learn From It

Nobody's perfect. When you stumble, the best thing that you can do is to pick yourself up and get back on the track. It’s normal that you make mistakes and that you have problems in achieving your goals, but it’s important to learn from your mistakes and be on the rise thanks to your failure . I learned for example that clothes from the store Romwe are nice, but quite short and I should pay more attention to the size chart. Photos from today's post are a proof . Of course, this isn’t my only failure;) I’m not going to tell you about all of  them .I’ll tell you only about one that was the most painful and which came...

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5 life changes to make this spring

Spring is just around the corner, and like every year, it’s a perfect time to implement spring changes in your life. When flowers are blooming it’s also time for women to blossom. Today, I have prepared some issues that you can consider to change or improve your life this season. Trivial and obvious, but I think it’s worth reminding about such obvious things . Warning! If you apply this - success and happiness are guaranteed! ;). Will you dare? ;) Właśnie zawitała do nas wiosna, i jak co roku,  jest to idealny czas żeby wdrożyć w życie wiosenne zmiany. Kiedy kwiaty zaczynają nieśmiało rozkwitać, to także czas, abyś i Ty rozkwitła. Dzisiaj mam kilka kwestii, które możesz rozważyć, aby zmienić lub...

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Catch the moment. Look and soak up.

 Every day I try to find even a little while to relax. Not only physically; I mean "cleaning" my mind of negative thoughts, just cherish a moment. Without phone in my hand, without nose stuck to  a computer screen. Just breathe, change something in myself, look into the eyes of my loved ones. Na co dzień staram się znaleźć choć małą chwilę, aby odpocząć. Nie tylko fizycznie; mam na myśli „czyszczenie” głowy ze złych myśli, po prostu celebrowanie chwili. Bez telefonu w ręce, bez nosa wlepionego w monitor komputera. Odetchnąć, zmienić coś w sobie, spojrzeć w oczy bliskich. Water calms me down the most. It's sound and  uniform motion. When I sit on a seashore,  I no longer receive external stimuli such as noise, conversations or...

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In motion – how avoid stagnation in life

Today's pictures are crying to heaven for vengeance – everything is flying: my hair, skirt (but did you notice how  beautiful it  looks ?;)), my  coat. While taking pictures, I couldn’t stand in one place even for a moment, because wind was blowing my  dress up, or all (literally!) my hair was flying across my face. Sometimes I took after Chewbacca;). On the one hand – it was a disaster, continuous motion, lack of stabilization, but on the other hand – stay in one place ..and last at the same point? It is possible that pictures in such situation would be better, clearer;) But saying that more "globally" such standstill, stagnation is bringing judgment on yourself. Do you know why?...

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Harmony. Work – life balance or work –life integrity ?

Balance in fashion is really important for me. Usually I choose one expressive element and I add toned base as a background. Today I chose sensual high split pencil skirt by Atelier Edith which exposes leg in a seductive way. The rest is less flamboyant - oversized, warm sweater and beige accessories that almost “blend into” my skin. Równowaga w modzie jest dla mnie bardzo ważna. Zwykle wybieram jeden wyrazisty element i wówczas tło dla niego stanowi stonowana baza. Dzisiaj wybierając zmysłową spódnicę od Atelier Edith z długim pęknięciem, które  eksponuje nogę w uwodzicielski sposób, postawiłam na mało krzykliwą resztę – obszerny, ciepły sweter i beżowe dodatki, które wręcz zlewają się ze skórą.   An oversized sweater and elegant, "office" skirt? Sweater is perfect for the current “sweater weather”  (what you can...

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Bye bye summer

"I love this floral pattern" – These words came to my mind when I was looking at the dress made of delicate silk fabric. Well, I had a chance to wear it only once this year. Unfortunately, summer ended too quickly for me. I’m sad that I had to put off this summer dress on a pile of thin clothes and I started to sort the rest of my wardrobe. Uwielbiam ten kwiatowy wzór – pomyślałam przyglądając się delikatnej jedwabnej tkaninie z której wykonana była sukienka. Hm, w tym roku miałam ją na sobie tylko jeden raz. Niestety lato skończyło się dla mnie zbyt szybko. Z żalem odłożyłam letnią sukienkę na stertę cienkich ubrań i zabrałam się za sortowanie reszty garderoby. I delayed the moment of packing away...

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My cosy autumn essentials

In my last post I wrote you about how to stop summer as long as possible, but everything looks like we don’t have a choice and we really have to accept the fact that autumn is coming with its long evenings which  we can turn from cloudy and cold into delightful ,cosy and magical.To create a cosy atmosphere we will certainly need a few gadgets ...

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