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6 Affirmations that Boost Your Confidence and Self- Esteem

I’m not a very shy person who is afraid of her own shadow. But unfortunately, I don’t have high self – esteem and I sometimes doubt myself. Even if I learned how to play a self-confident person at work every day, unfortunately, deep inside of me , there is a person who often doubts and doesn’t fully believe in her abilities. I often heard, and I still hear "try harder", "you can do better than that ". Unfortunately, this type of sentences doesn’t motivate me at all, but they undermine my motivation and as a result, I start thinking I'm not worth anything. Such negative "affirmations" limit me at the end. By observing the surroundings I noticed that a lot...

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5 Ways to Make Every Day Feel Like the Weekend

I try not to be a person who spends her entire week counting down to the weekend. But I have to admit that sometimes it's just damn hard, especially if I work a lot, beautiful sun is shining outside and there’s one month left until my holiday. This feeling of freedom, laziness which you feel on Saturday and Sunday is amazing, so I decided to add some elements to my daily routine which remind me of my weekend schedule. Staram się nie być osobą, która całe 5 roboczych dni skupia się tylko na odliczaniu ile pozostało do weekendu. Ale muszę Wam przyznać, że czasami jest to po prostu cholernie trudne, zwłaszcza, jeśli dużo pracuję, za biurowym oknem widzę piękne słońce, a...

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