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Little White Dress – Ivon

Little white dress – it’s always in the shadow of its more popular older sister - Little Black Dress. It’s a great alternative to cocktail dresses and it’s perfect solution especially for warm and sunny months. Mała biała – zawsze w cieniu swojej popularnej  starszej siostry –Małej Czarnej.  A to świetna alternatywa dla koktajlowej sukienki. Świetnie sprawdza się zwłaszcza  w cieplejsze i słoneczne miesiące. In my wardrobe, there are more little white dresses than classic black dresses. But I have the impression that white dress is often underestimated by women. It’s a pity, in my opinion, because white dress is perfect for summer and works much better during summer parties, meetings with friends , walks or even to work....

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Little white dress

It’s much less popular than a little black dress. But is it less interesting? Not for me. A little white dress - next to a little black and red dress, is a choice that it is always good for me. In summer, we were almost flooded by lacy, idyllic, embroidered white dresses. I showed  you dress like this in THIS POST. Recently ,little white dress displaces more popular sister and it even conquersred carpets. Do we have to forget about little white dress in autumn ? Not necessarily. All you have to do is just wear it in a slightly different way, add autumnal accessories and voila - a little white dress can be worn throughout the year:) Znacznie mnie popularna od małej czarnej. Czy mniej interesująca? Nie dla mnie....

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