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In a trap of thinking patterns

I was sitting in a café at the corner and I was sipping a huge caramel latte. It probably has  thousand calories, but I had to get warm on this cool, but spring morning. It was just one of those days when I was dreaming about vacations and  I took a few days off to arrange some things for which I usually don’t have time and next I started missing active day at work. I finished last chapter of the book and I started staring at world around me. An elegant man about 40 years old, probably a manager in a large company, drank an espresso in a hurry, put in his belongings to a leather briefcase and went out...

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How to make your work outfit more interesting and fun?

When I started working for corporation  - I actually did an internship while studying, I was young and I admit it took me a long time to create appropriate business attire which at the same time allowed  me to express my personality. Most office  clothes were good for slightly older women, or they were so boring that I could only wear them for a job interview. They weren’t good for morning mirror selfie  on Instagram with #ootd (Aside from the fact, that when I started working Instagram hasn’t existed yet;)). Wearing an office uniform quickly became boring and tiring for me and I wanted to add some touch of smart coolness to my office style. So I decided that to...

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9 Things To Focus On In 2017

  Hello :) How are you in New Year? Have you noticed any changes? Or maybe you don’t feel any difference even that date has changed? I write down my New Year's resolutions every year and this year was no different. People often don’t manage to achieve their New Year's resolutions, moreover, I wrote about it last year HERE  This year, my resolutions are really simple. I could summarize them in simple words as: do your job, love you loved ones and don’t care about the rest;)  Cześć :) Jak Wam mijają pierwsze dni Nowego Roku? A może pomimo zmiany daty nie odnotowaliście żadnej zmiany? Ja co roku spisuję swoje noworoczne postanowienia, w tym roku nie było inaczej. Wiem, że wiele noworocznych postanowień nie jest...

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