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Basics – my everlasting clothes

I'm curious if you have such clothes that are literally always in your wardrobe. Of course, I skip time  of my early childhood, because it had own rules  and it was time to wear clothes that you won’t have a chance to wear later;) I have many clothes that I just replace when they are worn – out, but they are still the same models. Today I want to show you what clothes are still worn by me for over 20 years now! Jestem ciekawa czy posiadacie takie ubrania, które dosłownie zawsze, były w waszej szafie. Oczywiście pomijam okres wczesnego dzieciństwa, bo on rządzi się innymi prawami i to czas kiedy można nosić rzeczy, których już nigdy później nie będziemy mieli...

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6 tips how to feel and look amazing when you feel far from it

No matter if you had sleepless night because you were reading an interesting book, or you caught a flu or you drank too much and girls' night out ended up costing you a hangover, or maybe you politely went to bed after bedtime story, but there are such mornings when you just feel terrible and you would be perfect hopeless queen.  I don’t know why, but such mornings happen to me when I  want to look great. But I have my ways to look great, even when my reflection in the mirror screams that I should stay under my blanket and eat ice creams and watch my favorite TV series. If you also have such days then trust my tips –...

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The only 5 Easy Style Rules For 2017 (and for the rest of your life;))

When I started blogging I thought that it will enrich my style and I will be more creative and open to new trends. And yes, my creativity has greatly increased,I’m also open to new trends, but in a completely different perspective than I expected. I thought that thanks to presenting various outfits my style will be more diverse and interesting. At present, I think my style has evolved but in a completely different direction. Thanks to various sets, which I showed you on my blog, I learned which cuts flatter me, and I developed a simple system thanks to which I "don’t err" (or it rarely happens to me;)). Of course, I haven’t  achieved the goal yet, it’s a long...

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Today I’ve read an interesting article written by prof. Gwiazdowski where he said, "protecting your hit yours." Article concerns the economy, but I think you can implement it to other issues. Do you remember the post where I confessed you that I avoid many situations because I’m afraid to fail? Such strenuous efforts to protect yourself or others (e.g. children / partner) is not good for you and it stops developing yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone. If you feel too comfortable in a relationship then passion expires and boredom appears. When your work gives you a sense of comfort then you start to feel bored. When you are getting too comfortable with life (I...

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4 reasons to convert to a minimal wardrobe

I know it may seem strange that someone who is addicted to fashion, beautiful things, clothes, shoes, handbags and cosmetics is writing a post, in which encourage you to convert your wardrobe to more minimalist. What's more, this is not my first post about this. And how does that relate to the fact that I show you a new outfit at least once a week? There's no hypocrisy. I very often catch myself  showing you the same purse or pants for the umpteenth time and I don’t do this because I don’t have any alternative option in my wardrobe or I don’t have an idea for more sophisticated styling. No, nothing like that. I just love versatile and timeless pieces and...

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Baby, it’s cold outside! OOTD na YouTube :)

Hey! I planned show you a casual winter weekend outfit - warm and comfortable, just perfect for a weekend walk. Unfortunately, my camera probably doesn’t prefer the cold weather, and camera refused to work in such conditions;) Apparently it is a thermophilic. However, my iPhone saved me.   The low temperatures aren’t terrible for him and I filmed with his help a very short video for you. I hope you would like it. I welcome you to watch and subscribe, because I planning to post  more movies on YouTube.   Cześć! Miał być weekendowy, zimowy zwyklak – ciepły i wygodny, w sam raz na spacer. Niestety, mroźna aura nie jest chyba tym co lubi mój aparat, bo odmówił pracy w takich warunkach;) Najwyraźniej jest ciepłolubny....

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Have your cake and eat it too . How to be a better decision maker.

Have your cake and eat it too - we all know that it isn’t possible. You have to make a decision.  Many decisions are trivia like choosing a blouse, meal from the menu or movie you want to watch with your loved one in the evening. But there are also difficult decisions, which affect your life. With thrill, I discovered that although I’m determined person and I usually know what I want, sometimes I have difficulty making decisions. Sometimes, I postpone decisions for really long because I want to analyze, compare them and I guess I’m picking holes in it. Recently I wanted to choose  face cream and a bag, and my doubts were endless. I spent hours reading reviews. It...

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Nonchalance – breaking the rules with style

Nonchalance - apparent carelessness, which gives you the impression that you do things without any effort. In Italian - sprezzatura - general term referring to areas such as art, music, fashion. It means freedom, naturalness, nonchalance. Simply - consciously breaking with generally accepted rules. As a result, the whole outfit looks very light, easy and natural. Nonszalancja – pozorna niedbałość, która ma na celu wywołanie wrażenia, że robi się coś bez najmniejszego wysiłku. Po włosku sprezzatura – bardzo szeroki termin odnoszący się do takich dziedzin jak sztuka, muzyka, moda. Oznacza swobodę, naturalność, nonszalancję. Mówiąc prosto – to świadome łamanie ogólnie przyjętych zasad. W efekcie całość prezentuje się niezwykle swobodnie, lekko i naturalnie. I really appreciate classic elegance and I feel good in...

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9 Powerful Affirmations We Should Say to Ourselves This Year

Hi :) One of the most common New Year's resolutions is a healthy lifestyle and regular exercises. Our brain is like muscles, and like any muscle in the human body it needs exercises to gain strength. And like in case of  body - exercises must be regular. Positive affirmations, is one of the easiest and the most effective tools that we can use for this purpose. Filling your mind with positive affirmations works like fuel in a car. From time to time, I post a few of my favourite quotes on my blog, I like "feeding" my mind with such positive sentences. I have recently come across a great, inspiring book -  "1000+ Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently" (Marc...

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