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I was finishing my chicken salad and drinking green smoothie with my nose stuck in a criminal novel written by  C. Lackberg. Suddenly, I heard voices and laughter of women sitting at the table next to me. They probably work in a neighboring office building, because I see them regularly at lunch time. "- Ana, you are again with that lunch box? Just don’t change yourself into Chodakowska (Polish fitness guru), because you’ll have face like a horse "- one of the women giggled maliciously. Ana with the box hunched and explained nervously - "me as  Chodakowska ?,  I just want to lose 5 kg ...

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7 easy ways how to make more time for yourself

Many of my friends often ask me : "how do you find time for all your tasks?". The answer is simple: I have great organizational skills;). Besides, the truth is that I simply don’t do "everything". I do what is important to me , and I skip the tasks which I don’t need ,to be happy. If you have a lot of tasks to do, or you want  to do a lot then you need to learn how to plan and prioritize the work. My day can't be spontaneous because I wouldn’t be able to accommodate paid employment, my own business and frequent publishing on my blog. Believe me blogging, posting, cooperating with companies, photo processing really takes a lot...

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Coco Chanel Essentials

If you read my blog, probably you noticed  quotes of  Coco Chanel or references to her main principle "less is more". It’s true, I love drawing inspiration from various fashion trends, and a lot of things inspire me, but my roots are strongly embedded in the style created by divine Gabrielle Chanel (It’s her real name). I recently re-watched a movie about life of Chanel and it inspired me to take a closer look to the key elements of Coco’s style. The  current offer of  fashion house Chanel for me is a bit more flashy, too, "seasonal" but of course in new collections we can see the spirit of old  Chanel (jackets, tweed, quilted chain shoulder bags), but I remain faithful to what suits me - the elegant minimalism;)   Jeśli czytasz mój...

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Beige dress

 The very thought of beige makes a lot of people feel sick, others say that this is the most boring colour in the world the best for mouseburgers and some people’s eyes begin to shine with excitement. I belong to the third group;) .As for me, beige connotes sensuality  maybe because it evokes the colour of bare skin ..? Wiele osób na myśl o kolorze beżowym dostaje mdłości, inne wzdrygają się , że to najnudniejszy kolor zarezerwowany dla szarych myszek, niektórym oczy zaczynają błyszczeć z podniecenia. Ja należę do tej trzeciej grupy;) Beż kojarzy mi się ze zmysłowością, być może dlatego, że przywodzi na myśl kolor nagiej skóry..? I’m extremely pleased that in many  autumn – winter fashion shows a total beige look was promoted. For sure it isn’t a discovery,...

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Summer effortless

I love fashion. I could infinitely read, write, talk about it and watch fashion shows, sessions . But normally I don’t spend several tons of minutes in front of  my wardrobe wondering what to wear. You know me a bit so you know that I am definitely a fan of less is more approach and I choose proven outfits, which I have no doubt that they will work well in a particular situation. Even if it’s a simple dress for  "umpteenth" time or mix of  skinny jeans, t-shirt and jacket. It's just my style. Uwielbiam modę. Mogłabym o niej czytać, pisać, rozmawiać, oglądać pokazy, sesje w nieskończoność. Na co dzień jednak nie spędzam kilkudziesięcu minut przed szafą zastanawiając się co na siebie włożyć. Już  trochę mnie znacie, więc wiecie, że  jestem zwolenniczką...

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Made with love – 5 sings you’ve found your passion

My today's makeover is very simple,  I would even say  banal - just dress, high heels, discreet jewellery. But take a closer look and you will see something more in my makeover - dress it’s not slapdash. Maybe because I made it by myself (and  all activities related to devising the project, choosing fabric or realisation of the project make me feel happy  and  it’s very exciting for me ), shoes HERE  are also no ordinary - just look at this beautiful lace! This charming handmade jewellery is created by Arcy-dziełka.  Steve Jobs ( who was an American pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and founder of Apple Inc. ) said: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way...

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Checkered DORIS skirt

Tartan, Vichy, houndstooth. Just check pattern. It appears on the catwalks almost every season. The difference is in the way how we wear it. I think everybody loves check pattern including: traditionalists, aristocrats, members of the Royal Family or  even fans of punk and grunge music. This spring you can be sure that you will hear about the Vichy check, also known as Gingham. This small check was made famous by sensual B. Bardot. It will certainly appear in my spring makeovers. But don’t you think that I forgot about check pattern in winter :). I didn’t . In winter, I wear it in a more classic way. This time, it's an asymmetrical wool miniskirt. Last summer I often wore shorts that look like asymmetric skirt ( they are called...

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Winter in pastels

When you look at the makeovers on my blog you can have the impression that I am the kind of person who likes winter swimming and that I toughen up myself by running in high heels and with bare legs on a cold days. The truth is that the makeovers which I want to show you on my blog, are mostly based on clothes designed and made by me. These are mainly dresses and skirts. Of course not all  of them are suitable for rough conditions and really cold days. However, even in winter, we go out for a dinner, to the cinema or to meet with our friends, where we often go by car and  we stay in a heated room. In such situation high heels and dress are...

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