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5 life changes to make this spring

Spring is just around the corner, and like every year, it’s a perfect time to implement spring changes in your life. When flowers are blooming it’s also time for women to blossom. Today, I have prepared some issues that you can consider to change or improve your life this season. Trivial and obvious, but I think it’s worth reminding about such obvious things . Warning! If you apply this - success and happiness are guaranteed! ;). Will you dare? ;) Właśnie zawitała do nas wiosna, i jak co roku,  jest to idealny czas żeby wdrożyć w życie wiosenne zmiany. Kiedy kwiaty zaczynają nieśmiało rozkwitać, to także czas, abyś i Ty rozkwitła. Dzisiaj mam kilka kwestii, które możesz rozważyć, aby zmienić lub...

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6 Style Tips On How To Wear Blanket Scarves

Scarves and blanket scarves started to show up in the shops in early autumn. Blanket scarf is simply a giant version of a scarf ,which is so big that can be used as a blanket. They’re warm, cosy, comfortable and wonderful, and it’s one of my favourite trends of the fall and winter season this year. I already have several of them, and I love using them as shawls, makeshift ponchos and capes, and yes, even a blankets. But despite how versatile they are, blanket scarves can be a real style challenge. How  should  you wear so much fabric ? and how to wrap blanket scarf around your neck? If you are looking for some ideas on how to wear the...

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