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Pantone 2016 – Wellness with The Serenity Colour

When Pantone, corporation ,which identifies colors, dismissed Marsala and announced color of the year 2016 I was speechless with shock: What a beautiful pastels colors! This year, Pantone, for the first time, chose two dominant colors: pink quartz and enigmatic - serenity. While the “pink quartz” color is quite tangible and easy to define, the color of "blissful peace" or "serenity" is a little bit more difficult to define. For me it's “baby blue” color.  Anyway - beautiful! Kiedy Pantone, korporacja zajmująca się identyfikacją kolorów, zwolniło z panowania marsalę i ogłosiło swój werdykt kolorystyczny na rok 2016 oniemiałam z wrażenia: coż za piękne pastele! W tym roku Pantone, po raz pierwszy, wybrało 2 dominujące barwy: pink quartz i enigmatyczny –...

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In motion – how avoid stagnation in life

Today's pictures are crying to heaven for vengeance – everything is flying: my hair, skirt (but did you notice how  beautiful it  looks ?;)), my  coat. While taking pictures, I couldn’t stand in one place even for a moment, because wind was blowing my  dress up, or all (literally!) my hair was flying across my face. Sometimes I took after Chewbacca;). On the one hand – it was a disaster, continuous motion, lack of stabilization, but on the other hand – stay in one place ..and last at the same point? It is possible that pictures in such situation would be better, clearer;) But saying that more "globally" such standstill, stagnation is bringing judgment on yourself. Do you know why?...

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