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What is in my bag?

I love watching YT movies where girls show contents of theirs bags. Women's handbags can hide pretty nice treasures. I have to admit that the bigger bag I have, the more "miracles" I can throw into it :D That's why I usually choose small bags to which I throw only phone, car keys, lip balm and payment card. Unfortunately, I am forced to choose slightly bigger bags to work so I can carry all necessary gadgets. Uwielbiam oglądać na YT filmy, w których dziewczyny pokazują zawartość swoich torebek. Kobiece torebki potrafią skrywać naprawdę niezłe skarby. Muszę przyznać, że im większą mam torebkę, tym  więcej „cudów” potrafię do niej wrzucić :D Dlatego też najczęściej wybieram małe torebki, do których wrzucam telefon, kluczyki...

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What to Wear When You Have Nothing to Wear

I proudly admit that I rarely say: I have nothing to wear. Interesting is the fact that it coincided in time with the situation when I had a big wardrobe clear – out and I got rid of a ton of clothes. But from time to time I suffer from lack of creativity when it comes to clothes and what to wear. And  then I always choose  comfortable ,knit dresses. This is my must have for each season. I love the fact that such knit dresses don’t hinder my movements, and like no other outfit they  emphasize female figure, and they are easy to styling. I also give them a huge plus for being so universal. They look great in...

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