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9 Things To Focus On In 2017

  Hello :) How are you in New Year? Have you noticed any changes? Or maybe you don’t feel any difference even that date has changed? I write down my New Year's resolutions every year and this year was no different. People often don’t manage to achieve their New Year's resolutions, moreover, I wrote about it last year HERE  This year, my resolutions are really simple. I could summarize them in simple words as: do your job, love you loved ones and don’t care about the rest;)  Cześć :) Jak Wam mijają pierwsze dni Nowego Roku? A może pomimo zmiany daty nie odnotowaliście żadnej zmiany? Ja co roku spisuję swoje noworoczne postanowienia, w tym roku nie było inaczej. Wiem, że wiele noworocznych postanowień nie jest...

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I was finishing my chicken salad and drinking green smoothie with my nose stuck in a criminal novel written by  C. Lackberg. Suddenly, I heard voices and laughter of women sitting at the table next to me. They probably work in a neighboring office building, because I see them regularly at lunch time. "- Ana, you are again with that lunch box? Just don’t change yourself into Chodakowska (Polish fitness guru), because you’ll have face like a horse "- one of the women giggled maliciously. Ana with the box hunched and explained nervously - "me as  Chodakowska ?,  I just want to lose 5 kg ...

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