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Hania Beauty – lip scrub

Few years ago, lip scrub was unnecessary for me. Lip massage with a soft toothbrush from time to time was enough for me , but nowadays, when I often use matte lipsticks, scrub is my first-aid cosmetic. We have a lot of lip balms on the market but when it comes to lip scrubs the choice isn’t big and some of them have very high prices. For a long time I was using the Evree scrub, which I like very much and which is cheap and easily accessible, but when I found out that Hania is planning to create its own line of lip scrubs - I knew that I will leave Evree scrub;) O ile kilka lat temu peeling do...

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Sugar lips + My Super Balm, Evree

Smooth, soft and fruity  lips – I think it’s a dream of every woman :). Lip balm or protective lipstick is a product that I always have with me. During the day, I put a stick into my purse which I can use on the run. At home, I definitely prefer cosmetics which have richer consistency, so I can apply thicker layer of them on my lips. This is why, I often choose balm in the jar. Some time ago, I discovered that my lips are in a great condition when I exfoliate them regularly . Unfortunately finding the one that meets my expectations wasn’t easy at all. If it was effective, I didn’t like the form of packaging (e.g....

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Kissable lips – Tisane

Long and cold winter is not good for your beauty. Not to mention that several layers of clothing and down coats change you into Michelin puppet, even girls who have size of Victoria's Secret models. In addition, low temperatures dry out your hand and face skin and cause chapped lips. I've been a long-time fan of matte lipsticks, which unfortunately don’t moisturize lips like for example lip glosses or creamy lipsticks. When most lotions and lipsticks stopped working, I reminded myself about lip care products that I discovered at the end of the summer, and which works very well in my case . I mean Tisane Fresh lip balm and lip peeling - Crystal Scrub , also by Tisane. I...

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My favourite lip and nail balm – Herba Studio

Bez względu na to czy na dworze panuje siarczysty mróz, świeci słońce, czy panują łagodne warunki atmosferyczne, moje usta domagają się nawilżania i natłuszczania. Na co dzień rzadko używam kolorowych produktów do ust, natomiast nie rozstaję się z nawilżająca i ochronną pomadką lub balsamem. Wiele lat temu, dzięki świetnym recenzjom na wizażowym KWC odkryłam balsam do ust Tisane. W miedzy czasie odkryłam kilka innych świetnych produktów z oferty Herba Studio i dzisiaj je Wam przedstawię. It doesn’t matter if there is hot or cold outside my lips need moisturizing and oiling. I rarely use lip colour products but I always use moisturizing and protective lipstick or balm. Many years ago, thanks to great reviews on www.wizaż.pl I discovered lip balm Tisane....

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