Recently, I’m obsessed with podcasts! I can confidently say that podcasts have become my new favorite ritual. I love listening to them when I am getting ready to work. It helps me to start my day productively and positively. I reach for it when I’m on my way to and from work (traffic jams!!) and while I’m cooking, ironing or relaxing in the bathJ My adventure with podcasts began relatively recently, but before that I was "eavesdropping" podcasts that my husband was listening while we were traveling by car. Ostatnio totalnie wkręciłam się w podcasty! Mogę śmiało powiedzieć, że podcasty stały się moim nowym ulubionym rytuałem. Uwielbiam słuchać ich kiedy rano przygotowuję się do wyjścia do pracy, pomaga mi to rozpocząć...
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