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My June Favorites („Rywalka” Wydawnictwo Otwarte, balsam Dibi Milano, balsam Frutti di Bosco Olos, biżuteria Happiness Boutiqe, Daniel Wellington)

It's time for June favorites :) As always, with a little delay, so I don't want to prolong it more - I go to my favs :) Pora na czerwcowych ulubieńców:) Jak zawsze, z lekkim opóźnieniem, więc żeby nie przeciągać jeszcze bardziej - przechodzę do konkretów:) 2. The book "The Other Woman" by Sandie Jones, Otwarte publisher I have recently focused my thoughts mainly on "mummy" topics and I read books related to children's topics, child's development, etc. However, when I was on a short vacation, I decided to relax and I reached for light topic. "The Other Woman" is a novel first published at the beginning of July. This book is about love triangle. He, she and ...

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My May Favorites (Fabiola handbag, Ivanka Trump sunglasses, Striped dresses from Answear, Tommy Hilfiger espadrilles, Hania Beauty brush soap)

May surprised me (probably not only me;)) with beautiful weather. I didn't expect that during long weekend in May there will be such high temperatures and I didn't believe when next days were also so sunny . I don't hide that I love warmth and summer atmosphere, even in spring, so I was extremely happy and I enjoyed these May days as much as possible enjoyed. When it comes to my favorites - I must admit that I still have some favorite gadgets, cosmetics or pieces of clothing from previous months, but there are some new items. Let's start! Maj zaskoczył mnie (chyba nie tylko mnie;)) przepiękną pogodą. Nie spodziewałam się, że majówka upłynie nam w tak wysokich temperaturach i nie...

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Well, spring has finally come to us for good! These few (over a dozen) degrees Celsius more above zero as if by magic, brighten the reality and it worked on me like a wonderful elixir adding me strength and energy:). First walks have started, and parks, promenades and streets around the market square were full of people. We also decided to welcome spring weather. Here's why I love spring Sundays so much : No i wiosna zagościła u nas na dobre! Te kilka(naście) stopni Celciusza więcej na plusie, jak za dotknięciem magicznej różdżki, rozjaśniło rzeczywistość i podziałało na mnie jak cudowny eliksir dodający sił i energii :) Zaczęły sie pierwsze spacery, a parki, deptaki czy uliczki dookoła rynku wypełniły się ludźmi....

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