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My October Favorites

October was the month when there was a lot of work in my private and professional life. I didn’t have much time to explore, read books or test new things. Therefore, in this post there are only 4 favs. Październik był miesiącem, w którym działo się bardzo dużo w moim życiu prywatnym i zawodowym. Dlatego też nie miałam zbyt wiele czasu na odkrywanie, czytanie czy testowanie nowości. Stąd też ulubieńców miesiąca jest tylko 4. 1.Ramonese jacket I think each of you has at least one such jacket in a wardrobe - whether it's immortal black leather jacket or suede jacket  (or imitation suede jacket like mine). It doesn’t only look good with everything but also works great in fall layered outfits. My...

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Pleated please! How not to wear pleated skirt?

Pleated skirts aren’t a new trend. I was wearing them in primary school for galas, in high school I changed them into to a slightly different model -  plaid pleated skirt, and since I remember my grandmother had pleated skirts in her wardrobe. In a word, it's behind the times. Carolina Herrera said: “Fashion has always been a repetition of ideas, but what makes it new is the way you put it together.” When the House of Gucci reactivated pleated skirts I couldn’t stop admiring them. However, the associations with school uniform or wardrobe of an older lady were firmly rooted in me and I had to see a lot of inspirational photos on Pinterest to be sure that I...

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In passing. Implicite learning.

Have you ever wondered whether we're cool because we have nice friends, or maybe it is other way round: we are so cool and because of that we attract cool people? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Definitely let me know if you know the answer ;). Zastanawialiście się kiedyś nad tym czy jesteśmy tacy fajni jak jesteśmy, bo mamy fajnych znajomych, czy może działa to na odwrotnej zasadzie: jesteśmy tacy fajni, więc i przyciągamy fajnych ludzi ? Co było pierwsze : kura czy kogut ? Jak znacie odpowiedź, koniecznie dajcie mi znać;) No matter if you are great and you attract similar people or if you were just lucky to meet unique friends, it all boils down to the fact that we always learn something from each...

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Little white dress

It’s much less popular than a little black dress. But is it less interesting? Not for me. A little white dress - next to a little black and red dress, is a choice that it is always good for me. In summer, we were almost flooded by lacy, idyllic, embroidered white dresses. I showed  you dress like this in THIS POST. Recently ,little white dress displaces more popular sister and it even conquersred carpets. Do we have to forget about little white dress in autumn ? Not necessarily. All you have to do is just wear it in a slightly different way, add autumnal accessories and voila - a little white dress can be worn throughout the year:) Znacznie mnie popularna od małej czarnej. Czy mniej interesująca? Nie dla mnie....

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