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Basics – my everlasting clothes

I'm curious if you have such clothes that are literally always in your wardrobe. Of course, I skip time  of my early childhood, because it had own rules  and it was time to wear clothes that you won’t have a chance to wear later;) I have many clothes that I just replace when they are worn – out, but they are still the same models. Today I want to show you what clothes are still worn by me for over 20 years now! Jestem ciekawa czy posiadacie takie ubrania, które dosłownie zawsze, były w waszej szafie. Oczywiście pomijam okres wczesnego dzieciństwa, bo on rządzi się innymi prawami i to czas kiedy można nosić rzeczy, których już nigdy później nie będziemy mieli...

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Things worth doing in the summer

Is there any more beautiful season than summer? Of course, spring when everything wakes up, nostalgic fall and cold winter when it’s time to cuddle also have their charms;) However, summer is definitely my favourite season! Sunrays and I are like battery and charger , I forget about winter tiredness or spring fatigue and I can’t wait for a new energy. If you're a student or a teacher, summer probably has additional advantages – you have  2 or 3 months holidays! It’s up to you whether you will use potential of the summer, or if you let it go. This is why my today's post is a list of things you should do in the summer to take advantage of this...

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