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Catch the moment. Look and soak up.

 Every day I try to find even a little while to relax. Not only physically; I mean "cleaning" my mind of negative thoughts, just cherish a moment. Without phone in my hand, without nose stuck to  a computer screen. Just breathe, change something in myself, look into the eyes of my loved ones. Na co dzień staram się znaleźć choć małą chwilę, aby odpocząć. Nie tylko fizycznie; mam na myśli „czyszczenie” głowy ze złych myśli, po prostu celebrowanie chwili. Bez telefonu w ręce, bez nosa wlepionego w monitor komputera. Odetchnąć, zmienić coś w sobie, spojrzeć w oczy bliskich. Water calms me down the most. It's sound and  uniform motion. When I sit on a seashore,  I no longer receive external stimuli such as noise, conversations or...

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My cosy autumn essentials

In my last post I wrote you about how to stop summer as long as possible, but everything looks like we don’t have a choice and we really have to accept the fact that autumn is coming with its long evenings which  we can turn from cloudy and cold into delightful ,cosy and magical.To create a cosy atmosphere we will certainly need a few gadgets ...

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