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Perfectionism – how to overcome it ?

"My biggest weakness? Oh, I'm a perfectionist - I put a lot of effort into refining every little detail. It can be disadvantage at work ". Do you know, it's one of the most common answers on “What are your weaknesses?" question in a job interview. This is the advantage remoulded into a disadvantage. It always sounds better than admitting that you are inaccurate, late-comer or lazy! If you say that in a job interview because it's a "good answer" then it’s not so bad. Worse, if you are a perfectionist. It makes my life a misery. Especially since I’ve started leading the blog. I couldn’t publish a post because I was focused on each detail , I wanted  button...

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5 Benefits of Going Offline for one Day (and how to unplug)

During last long weekend, I realized how good it is to take a break from computer, internet and  phone for one or two days. Simply- digital detox;) Of course, I wanted to work during those  few days off, but I decided to leave my laptop at home, and I took only iPad with me, because  I wanted to prepare some posts for the next days. But spending time with my fiancé , totally offline, outside, sipping coffee on the terrace, listening to the birds singing was a bigger pleasure  than sipping coffee and sitting with my phone or laptop. So for 5 days, I took little detox from technology;) At first it wasn’t easy, but on the second day I...

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Why It’s Okay To Fail And How To Learn From It

Nobody's perfect. When you stumble, the best thing that you can do is to pick yourself up and get back on the track. It’s normal that you make mistakes and that you have problems in achieving your goals, but it’s important to learn from your mistakes and be on the rise thanks to your failure . I learned for example that clothes from the store Romwe are nice, but quite short and I should pay more attention to the size chart. Photos from today's post are a proof . Of course, this isn’t my only failure;) I’m not going to tell you about all of  them .I’ll tell you only about one that was the most painful and which came...

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