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My favourite motivational quotes

Aphorisms, maxims, motivational quotes –  they are often indefinitely copied truisms, "sectarian" speech, but on the other hand, we hung them over a desk on cork boards or write them in planner/diary or set them as computer desktop. I followed some important quotes for many years. I  forgot about some of them but recently when I have been cleaning my old room in my parents' house I found my forgotten pin board with several maxims. I was really surprised when I discovered that these maxims are still valid and good and thanks to them I changed my way of thinking and acting. If you are looking for inspiration and a dose of positive energy - choose your favourite quotes and...

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Do something different!

One day a friend of mine asked her mother: "Mom, why do you always trim both sides of ham, while cooking?  ?” Surprised mother shrugged and said: "Well .. actually, I don’t know, my grandmother always used to do it." When they had a chance women asked elder lady why for generations in their homes they trim both sides of meat, while cooking? Does it make meat more juicy, crispy? Or maybe it adds more flavor to the dish? The eldest woman just smiled and said: "Well, when me and your grandfather got married, we didn’t have a large roasting tin and  the meat didn’t fit in ...

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