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Pleated please! How not to wear pleated skirt?

Pleated skirts aren’t a new trend. I was wearing them in primary school for galas, in high school I changed them into to a slightly different model -  plaid pleated skirt, and since I remember my grandmother had pleated skirts in her wardrobe. In a word, it's behind the times. Carolina Herrera said: “Fashion has always been a repetition of ideas, but what makes it new is the way you put it together.” When the House of Gucci reactivated pleated skirts I couldn’t stop admiring them. However, the associations with school uniform or wardrobe of an older lady were firmly rooted in me and I had to see a lot of inspirational photos on Pinterest to be sure that I...

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4 reasons to convert to a minimal wardrobe

I know it may seem strange that someone who is addicted to fashion, beautiful things, clothes, shoes, handbags and cosmetics is writing a post, in which encourage you to convert your wardrobe to more minimalist. What's more, this is not my first post about this. And how does that relate to the fact that I show you a new outfit at least once a week? There's no hypocrisy. I very often catch myself  showing you the same purse or pants for the umpteenth time and I don’t do this because I don’t have any alternative option in my wardrobe or I don’t have an idea for more sophisticated styling. No, nothing like that. I just love versatile and timeless pieces and...

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9 Things To Focus On In 2017

  Hello :) How are you in New Year? Have you noticed any changes? Or maybe you don’t feel any difference even that date has changed? I write down my New Year's resolutions every year and this year was no different. People often don’t manage to achieve their New Year's resolutions, moreover, I wrote about it last year HERE  This year, my resolutions are really simple. I could summarize them in simple words as: do your job, love you loved ones and don’t care about the rest;)  Cześć :) Jak Wam mijają pierwsze dni Nowego Roku? A może pomimo zmiany daty nie odnotowaliście żadnej zmiany? Ja co roku spisuję swoje noworoczne postanowienia, w tym roku nie było inaczej. Wiem, że wiele noworocznych postanowień nie jest...

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How important are the people we meet in our life ?

" I met someone. It was an accident, I wasn't looking for it, it wasn't on the make, it was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another, next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. Now there's this feeling in my gut she might be the one. " Hank Moody Californication „Poznałem kogoś. To był przypadek., Nie szukałem jej. To było jak burza. Ona powiedziała coś a ja jej odpowiedziałem. Zanim się zorientowałem chciałem, aby ta rozmowa trwała przez resztę mojego życia. Mam to przeczucie, że ona może być tą jedyną”. HankMoody, Californication Every single day we meet some people on our way , we pass them on...

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My favorite motivational quotes

I posted my 10 favourite motivational quotes on my blog some time ago CLICK. The post was really popular and because I‘ve recently run into a quote, which motivated me a lot, I decided to share it with you. I also wrote down few more thoughts, which are close to my heart. Jakiś czas temu opublikowałam na blogu moich 10 ulubionych motywacyjnych cytatów KLIK. Post ten cieszył się dużą popularnością, a ponieważ ostatnio wpadłam na jeden cytat, który dał mi niezłego kopa, postanowiłam podzielić się  nim z Wami. Przy okazji spisałam jeszcze kilka innych myśli, które także są mi bliskie. “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” ― Les Brown I think...

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One simple rule how to declutter your mind

Sometimes the amount of information makes me feel like my head is going to explode. I focus on trifles, I notice "everything" and then accumulation of these little things makes that I can’t  focus on something productive, because there is a mess in my mind , chaos and millions of small unimportant thoughts are in my head. You can go crazy;) Or have concentration problems ;) How to get rid of it? Katrina Mayer said : “Clutter isn’t just in your home, attic, garage or office. Clutter’s also in your mind and distracts you from doing the amazing things you’re meant to do”. Well, hard not to agree :). Czasami ilość informacji, która do mnie dociera sprawia, że moja głowa omal...

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3 tips how to wear flared skirt

It’s nothing new. Flared skirts are known since around  the 50’s. For many years, they were returning like a boomerang but  in many different ways - below-knee length at Dior ,rock 'n roll skirt with tulle lining or leather skirt or studded skirt  fit perfectly in the rock or gothic style. They are made from different fabrics - elegant satin, tweed and wool, leather or popular neoprene.   Żadna nowość. Spódnice z koła znamy już co najmniej od lat 50-tych. Przez wiele lat powracały jak bumerang w różnym wydaniu – u Diora przykrywające kolana, rockandrollowe z tiulową podszewką lub skórzane czy  nabijane ćwiekami świetnie wpisujące się w styl rockowy czy gotycki. Szyte z różnych materiałów – od eleganckiej satyny, przez tweed i wełnę, po skórę czy popularny neopren. They can be combined with...

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Coco Chanel Essentials

If you read my blog, probably you noticed  quotes of  Coco Chanel or references to her main principle "less is more". It’s true, I love drawing inspiration from various fashion trends, and a lot of things inspire me, but my roots are strongly embedded in the style created by divine Gabrielle Chanel (It’s her real name). I recently re-watched a movie about life of Chanel and it inspired me to take a closer look to the key elements of Coco’s style. The  current offer of  fashion house Chanel for me is a bit more flashy, too, "seasonal" but of course in new collections we can see the spirit of old  Chanel (jackets, tweed, quilted chain shoulder bags), but I remain faithful to what suits me - the elegant minimalism;)   Jeśli czytasz mój...

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