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La vie en rose

Am  I  going to tell you the recipe for a bed of roses in my today’s post? Unfortunately I have to disappoint you;) Of course I know some psychological tricks that make life easier, but today I’m going to focus on flowers. Czy w dzisiejszym poście zdradzę Wam przepis na życie usłane różami? Niestety, muszę Was rozczarować;) Na pewno znam kilka psychologicznych sztuczek, które ułatwiają życie, ale dziś skupię się na kwiatach. Is there anyone who doesn’t like flowers? I can’t decide what type of flowers I like the most, because so many of them are incredible. Lilies seduce me with their scent, hydrangeas and peonies with their delicateness, orchids are noble and perfect, sunflowers are so optimistic, lilies of the valley and daisies are innocent .Gerard de Nerval ( who...

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Pencil skirt

Despite the fact that spring is coming slowly and timidly settle down ( for me it’s still too slowly so if you know any spell to speed up the spring please let me know J ) ,it’s not reflected in the photos. Even when the weather favours, the photos are still grey, dark, blurred, or it’s just started raining. (I promise that as soon as the weather will be better you will see much better photos ). Today's photos are terrible but I really wanted to show you my new pencil skirt made of eco leather in a beautiful plum colour. I had the dress code at work so similar sets were my daily outfits some time ago. Currently, I can  parade in sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt, but still it’s easier for me when...

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Totally nude winter look

Fluffy, snowy carpet on the road. Trees and shrubs covered with white duvet. On the windshields are sophisticated and mysterious lacy patterns painted by well - known artist - frost. Beautifully! Of course, only if I can admire this snowy land  through the window, while I’m  sitting in front of the fireplace ,covered with soft blanket, and drinking hot cocoa or mulled wine. Then it’s sooo perfect. For me, winter could last only for a few days during the Christmas holidays and for a few days during the ski trip. It would be more than enough:). It would be a pure pleasure to spend the rest of the time in spring aura . Mmmmm I’m lost in daydreaming now … ;) Unfortunately, even that I don’t like winter it comes every year ( what...

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Checkered DORIS skirt

Tartan, Vichy, houndstooth. Just check pattern. It appears on the catwalks almost every season. The difference is in the way how we wear it. I think everybody loves check pattern including: traditionalists, aristocrats, members of the Royal Family or  even fans of punk and grunge music. This spring you can be sure that you will hear about the Vichy check, also known as Gingham. This small check was made famous by sensual B. Bardot. It will certainly appear in my spring makeovers. But don’t you think that I forgot about check pattern in winter :). I didn’t . In winter, I wear it in a more classic way. This time, it's an asymmetrical wool miniskirt. Last summer I often wore shorts that look like asymmetric skirt ( they are called...

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