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How to change your look without buying new clothes

New season - new trends! So it’s time to  exchange contents of your wardrobe. But is it really necessary? Personally, I'm not a fan of getting rid of all contents of wardrobe  every season and replacing them with new clothes. As I prefer classic style,  I usually wear timeless pieces so it’s hard to call them "trendy". Nevertheless, I like to look "up-to date" and therefore I’m trying modify my old and proven sets so as not to have the feeling that I still wear the same clothes. Nowy sezon – nowe trendy! A więc  i wymiana zawartości garderoby. Czy na pewno jest to konieczne? Osobiście nie jestem zwolenniczką pozbywania się co sezon całej zawartości szafy i wymieniania jej na nową....

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