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REMEMBER: Consult a doctor, to make sure that any exercise you want to do is not harmful for you or your baby Well - I'm ashamed to admit it, but unfortunately I've never been a typical fit girl. Gym clothes were suppose to motivate me to visit the gym regularly, but after a few trainings, I preferred to choose a book and warm blanket instead of physical activity. However, when I found out that I’m pregnant, I decided that I will definitely be fit in pregnancy. And just as during my whole life it was difficult for me to mobilize myself for a regular physical activity, so the little baby motivated me to exercise. In the end, I don’t do it only...

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How to effectively motivate yourself to physical activity?

Physical activity is often associated with a duty. One thing is sure - we all need motivation, whether it comes to diet or physical activity. Each of us is motivated by something else. Sport is a lot of fun for me. And that is why today I want to tell you about my motivators thanks to which I get offmy comfortable couch and move:) Aktywność fizyczna często kojarzy się z przykrym obowiązkiem. Jedno jest pewne – każdy z nas potrzebuje motywacji, czy to chodzi o motywację do trzymania diety czy o aktywność fizyczną. Każdego z nas motywuje jednak coś innego.  Osobiście sport daje mi dużo frajdy. I dlatego dzisiaj opowiem Wam o moich motywatorach do ruszenia tyłka z wygodnego fotela i...

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8 benefits of swimming

Swimming is probably one of the most enjoyable ways to lose weight and to take care of your body and constitution. In addition, you can swim all year round, whatever the weather . What's more, not only does swimming care about your weight, but also about your beauty:)  Some time ago on my blog  I wrote you about my diet (here you can find the post about the OXY diet), and you have been asking me a lot of questions lately  about my physical activity. Besides exercises at home, I try to swim  2-3 times a week. Why do I like swimming so much? I'm going to present you 8 benefits of  swimming;) Pływanie to chyba jeden z najprzyjemniejszych sposobów na...

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