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In a trap of thinking patterns

I was sitting in a café at the corner and I was sipping a huge caramel latte. It probably has  thousand calories, but I had to get warm on this cool, but spring morning. It was just one of those days when I was dreaming about vacations and  I took a few days off to arrange some things for which I usually don’t have time and next I started missing active day at work. I finished last chapter of the book and I started staring at world around me. An elegant man about 40 years old, probably a manager in a large company, drank an espresso in a hurry, put in his belongings to a leather briefcase and went out...

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Sporty chic: how to wear sports clothes in elegant way

Sporty elegance is probably the most versatile and the safest style .It looks good in the office during the day and in the campus, or even on a weekend trip. In THIS post I showed you how to make ordinary set of jeans, white t-shirt and jacket looks more elegant and stylish. Sometimes, however, the situation requires more sporty outfit, e.g. when we will have all-day marathon or go shopping;) ( or when you want to look good in a short time :)). We can wear comfortable trainers and track suit, but this combination we should better leave for a lazy day at home or jogging, but not necessarily when you want to run around town doing errands. Today I decided to show you more "easy going" sporty elegance.   Sportowa elegancja...

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