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8 Bad Habits Which I Have To Eliminate From My Daily Routine

Each of us has some bad habits - whether you want to admit it or not;) You may not even be aware of some of them.  Sleeping in makeup, eating after 8 P.M., drinking coffee instead of water… the list is endless.  The most important thing is to realize that you have bad habits  and try to eliminate them. I know – it’s not easy, but if bad habits harm my efficiency or my health, then I want to get rid of them as quickly as possible;) Are you curious about my sins? Because I'm curious about yours: D Każdy z nas ma  jakieś złe nawyki  - czy chcemy się do tego przyznawać czy nie;) Niektórych z nich może nawet nie...

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Trend alert! Red color

Przeglądając zdjęcia z pokazów kolekcji na jesień i zimę łatwo zauważyć, że krwista, intensywna, soczysta czerwień gościła na wybiegach zdecydowanie częściej niż jakikolwiek inny kolor. Projektanci proponują nam czerwień w różnej formie - czerwone płaszcze, eleganckie sukienki lub szpilki, a także czerwony total look. Ja zdecydowałam się zacząć od czerwonej torebki i przemyciłam ją do mojego jeszcze letniego zestawu. When viewing photos from the fashion shows for autumn and winter collections is easy to see that bloody, intense, juicy red played host on the catwalks much more often than any other color. Designers offer us red in various forms - red coats, elegant dresses or pumps, as well as red total look. I decided to start with the red bags and smuggle it to my yet summer outfit. szorty/ shorts Reserved żakiet/jacket Mexx t-shirt/...

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Maxi & stripes

I  have already mentioned you about my  fascination with maxi length in THIS post. I also wrote that dress that you see certainly will not be the last. I keep my word so Today you can also see a longer length, but in a more sporty way and intense colour which is rarely seen in my makeovers. I chose sneakers, small bag with long strap and bracelet made by Arcy-dziełka. On the PAGE CLICK you can design your own bracelet. All you need to do is : choose stones, colour and pendant. Later on you can be glad of having unique and of course your own bracelet :) .   I strongly encourage you to like funpage Arcy- dziełka and following, because  every now and then there appears something new. What’s your favourite way...

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