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Beautiful skin, hair and nails with Look Up diet supplement

Whenever my hair started to be too heavy or was too long, I dreamed of bob cut or at least mid length hairstyle and when in summer I finally cut it quite drastically (before cutting my hair was waist length and after cutting was mid length), I quickly missed my "storm" of hair. So I focused on nurturing it to grow back quickly . I always choose supplements based on biotin and horsetail, because they not only make hair growth faster , but also prevent hair loss. I‘ve recently reached for Look Up - Skin Hair Nails, a natural food supplement that improves condition of hair, skin and nails. Manufacturer promises that , due to the content of active ingredients...

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My beauty plans for fall

Fall is the perfect time to take care of yourself. Evenings are long and arctic chill doesn’t encourage to get out of the house like in the summer. In addition, lack of sunlight allows you to perform cosmetic skin treatments, which are inadvisable in the summer . For me, this period is an ideal time for catching up on reading books and for intense face and body care. After summer,  my skin and hair are a little bit overdry and require increased attention. I want to tell you what beauty plans I‘m going to implement this fall, which treatments I recommend you in a beauty salon, and what treatments I’m planning :) Jesień to idealny czas na to, aby zadbać o...

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