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My ways how to survive fall

In fall I hate cold, wind, rain and the fact that days are so short that I barely finish my work and it is already dark. It is true. But how is it that I adore these warm shades of yellow, dark red, brown leaves, the sound of leaves crunching under my feet. I love watching the rain through the window, I love warming up touch of  sweaters and woolen shawls. That's also true.   Nienawidzę tej zimnej pluchy, wiatru, deszczu, tego, że dzień jest tak krótki, że ledwie kończę pracę, a już jest ciemno. To prawda. Ale jak to ma się do tego, że  uwielbiam te ciepłe odcienie pożółkłych, ciemnoczerwonych, brunatnych liści, ich szelest pod butami. Uwielbiam patrzeć jak za oknem pada deszcz,...

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Guide to Effortless style

I have to admit that women dressed elegantly always impress me.  I  always admire those who wear pencil skirts, beautiful women's shirts and well-tailored jackets. Wearing high heels is not a problem for me, but after few days of wearing clothes that fit into a professional dress code, I want to dress something more casual and less binding. By saying "casual" I don’t mean tracksuit. I mean effortless chic often associated with French women. And what distinguishes their style is the simplicity and clothes that look like second skin. One such combination is, for example, striped top, black skinny jeans and red lips. For me one such set is also a combination of white trousers with denim shirt. And today...

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