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Every season has its special beauty…Burgundy total look.

Every season has its special beauty and fall is no exception. Watching the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow and red is a spectacular experience. It's as we woke up in a different place every week, because the view outside the window is constantly changing. Każda pora roku ma swoje unikalne piękno i jesień nie stanowi wyjątku. Obserwowanie jak drzewa zmieniają swoje zielone odzienie, na wszelkie odcienie złota, żółtego, czerwonego to niesamowite przeżycie. To tak jakbyśmy co tydzień budzili się w innym miejscu, bo widok za oknem ciągle się zmienia. How can it be that all this beauty is sign of death and decay? With all this beauty there is a certain sadness in knowing...

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Fall is coming! A few things which help me survive fall: cardigan

End of summer really pampered us. But I have no illusions -  last days showed that warm days are gone for good. I don’t like cold weather, but there is something magical in fall, something that I don’t despair when it’s time to say goodbye to warm weather. Why? Here are few reasons why I can’t wait for fall: Sweaters – is there anyone who doesn’t like sweaters? Turtlenecks, sweater dresses, off shoulder sweaters, fluffy sweaters, sweaters with braids, bright sweaters like autumn leaves, cardigans –all of them are beautiful ! I must admit, that I like buying sweaters and dresses the most. Today I want to show you sweater from the store, which got me in the autumn mood...

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Upside down. Do you have something of a freak? ;)

Is there something you know you do differently than others? E.g. to slice bread from right to the left , not from left to the right? I  do that. My friends are surprised when they see that. It’s probably because I’m left-handed. My friend peels banana from the bottom ,not from the top (Greetings to Joanna!),which is extremely strange for me. My other friend when she is eating Delicje  ( cakes similar to Jaffa Cakes ,which you probably know better)  she only eats a sponge and she doesn’t eat jelly part, which amazes me, because I start with jelly part  and I don’t eat a sponge. What quirks do you have? Or maybe you know some "freaks"? ;). Don’t be afraid to confess me your quirks because someone once said:...

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Winter in pastels

When you look at the makeovers on my blog you can have the impression that I am the kind of person who likes winter swimming and that I toughen up myself by running in high heels and with bare legs on a cold days. The truth is that the makeovers which I want to show you on my blog, are mostly based on clothes designed and made by me. These are mainly dresses and skirts. Of course not all  of them are suitable for rough conditions and really cold days. However, even in winter, we go out for a dinner, to the cinema or to meet with our friends, where we often go by car and  we stay in a heated room. In such situation high heels and dress are...

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Marsala colour & little black dress

Marsala, which is a dark shade of burgundy , was announced colour of the year 2015 by  Pantone ! Over the next few months, Marsala  will rule the  fashion world , makeup, interior design and usable design. Leatrice Eiseman executive director of the Pantone Color Institute explains that this colour is "durable, robust, satisfying. And at the same time very glamorous. It is a color that stimulates our body, mind and soul, this shade gives confidence and stability." Marsala, czyli odcień brudnego bordo, został uznany przez Pantone kolorem roku 2015! Przez najbliższe miesiące, to on będzie rządził w modzie, makijażu, aranżacji wnętrz i designie użytkowym. Leatrice Eiseman z Panteon Color Institute tłumaczy, że kolor ten jest „trwały, krzepki, satysfakcjonujący. A jednocześnie bardzo glamour. To kolor, który pobudza nasze ciało, umysł i duszę, ten odcień dodaje pewności...

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