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7 fashionable dresses this spring

  Can’t you look forward spring too? My spring wardrobe, full of pastels and bright colors is ready and waiting for warm days. If I buy one more new airy dress now, then maybe the warm days would come faster? Anyway, you can always wear a sweater on it. After all, cardigans worn with airy maxi dresses are now one of the hottest trends;) In the matter of dresses in fashion will be light, maxi length, colors and patterns. Trendy will be: plaid (vichy), floral (large flowers), star, airy and romantic, princess-style dresses and shiny and transparent models. You will also find asymmetrical cuts. Such models soon will be the hottest. Czy Wy też nie możecie się już doczekać wiosny? Moja wiosenna garderoba,...

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Summer is here! 8 reasons why life is easier in the summer

Do you also feel that everything comes easier during the summer? From such trivial things like mornings, which in the summer are not as heavy as winter, more beautiful skin, and ending on healthy diet. It's true that the cooler seasons also have their charm, but for me summer is the best !! Below you can find some of my reasons why life is easier in the summer: Czy Wy także  macie wrażenie, że latem wszystko przychodzi łatwiej? Poczynając od tak błahych rzeczy jak poranki, które latem wcale nie są tak ciężkie jak zimą, przez piękniejszą  skórę, a na zdrowszej diecie kończąc. To prawda, że chłodniejsze pory roku też mają swoje uroki, ale dla mnie lato rządzi! Kilka moich powodów dlaczego uważam, że...

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