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Why Experiences Are Better Than Things

Some time ago I was reading a book in which main character wanted to pack all her belongings into one cardboard. Soon after that, my friend invited me for her birthday party and clearly mentioned that she doesn’t want to get any item or material thing. I thought it’s just fashion for minimalism. I do not hide the fact that at first I found it quite strange and I wondered what I can give her, if it was not supposed to be an object. For a long time I also asked her for guidance and thanks to the conversation with her I found out that she also limits her things so she can focus more on experiencing moments. It turns...

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How to wear nude total look

In my opinion nude color has much more shades than famous "50 shades of gray";). It’s  also definitely my favorite color. Just see few of my posts on the blog or on Instagram and you will notice that this color appears very often in my wardrobe or among my accessories or even on my nails. Kolor nude ma moim zdaniem znacznie więcej odcieni niż osławione “50 shades of grey”;). Jest to też zdecydowanie mój kolorystyczny faworyt. Wystarczy przewinąć choć kilka postów na blogu lub na Instagramie, żeby zauważyć, że ten kolor najczęściej pojawia się zarówno wśród elementów garderoby, jak i dodatków czy jako kolor na moich paznokciach. Nude is similar to the tone of our skin, especially to the shade of...

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Modern Cinderella

I think if Cinderella had ball in 2017 then she would certainly wear crystallized fishnet tights (fishnet tights are available HERE) instead of glass high heels. I think that modern princess wouldn’t choose  long, ballroom dress with tulle and lace but she would choose  something more versatile, or simply little black dress;) I wonder if only fashion trends have changed since Brothers Grimm's Cinderella or the concept of  princess has also evolved ? Would Cinderella still be gentle and fragile young lady today who dutifully carries out the orders or would she be militant feminist who fights for her rights? Myślę, że gdyby Kopciuszek wybierał się na bal w 2017 zamiast szklanych pantofelków, na pewno miałby kabaretki zdobione na całej...

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9 Powerful Affirmations We Should Say to Ourselves This Year

Hi :) One of the most common New Year's resolutions is a healthy lifestyle and regular exercises. Our brain is like muscles, and like any muscle in the human body it needs exercises to gain strength. And like in case of  body - exercises must be regular. Positive affirmations, is one of the easiest and the most effective tools that we can use for this purpose. Filling your mind with positive affirmations works like fuel in a car. From time to time, I post a few of my favourite quotes on my blog, I like "feeding" my mind with such positive sentences. I have recently come across a great, inspiring book -  "1000+ Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently" (Marc...

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Every season has its special beauty…Burgundy total look.

Every season has its special beauty and fall is no exception. Watching the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow and red is a spectacular experience. It's as we woke up in a different place every week, because the view outside the window is constantly changing. Każda pora roku ma swoje unikalne piękno i jesień nie stanowi wyjątku. Obserwowanie jak drzewa zmieniają swoje zielone odzienie, na wszelkie odcienie złota, żółtego, czerwonego to niesamowite przeżycie. To tak jakbyśmy co tydzień budzili się w innym miejscu, bo widok za oknem ciągle się zmienia. How can it be that all this beauty is sign of death and decay? With all this beauty there is a certain sadness in knowing...

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Perfectionism – how to overcome it ?

"My biggest weakness? Oh, I'm a perfectionist - I put a lot of effort into refining every little detail. It can be disadvantage at work ". Do you know, it's one of the most common answers on “What are your weaknesses?" question in a job interview. This is the advantage remoulded into a disadvantage. It always sounds better than admitting that you are inaccurate, late-comer or lazy! If you say that in a job interview because it's a "good answer" then it’s not so bad. Worse, if you are a perfectionist. It makes my life a misery. Especially since I’ve started leading the blog. I couldn’t publish a post because I was focused on each detail , I wanted  button...

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5 Benefits of Going Offline for one Day (and how to unplug)

During last long weekend, I realized how good it is to take a break from computer, internet and  phone for one or two days. Simply- digital detox;) Of course, I wanted to work during those  few days off, but I decided to leave my laptop at home, and I took only iPad with me, because  I wanted to prepare some posts for the next days. But spending time with my fiancé , totally offline, outside, sipping coffee on the terrace, listening to the birds singing was a bigger pleasure  than sipping coffee and sitting with my phone or laptop. So for 5 days, I took little detox from technology;) At first it wasn’t easy, but on the second day I...

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In motion – how avoid stagnation in life

Today's pictures are crying to heaven for vengeance – everything is flying: my hair, skirt (but did you notice how  beautiful it  looks ?;)), my  coat. While taking pictures, I couldn’t stand in one place even for a moment, because wind was blowing my  dress up, or all (literally!) my hair was flying across my face. Sometimes I took after Chewbacca;). On the one hand – it was a disaster, continuous motion, lack of stabilization, but on the other hand – stay in one place ..and last at the same point? It is possible that pictures in such situation would be better, clearer;) But saying that more "globally" such standstill, stagnation is bringing judgment on yourself. Do you know why?...

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Upside down. Do you have something of a freak? ;)

Is there something you know you do differently than others? E.g. to slice bread from right to the left , not from left to the right? I  do that. My friends are surprised when they see that. It’s probably because I’m left-handed. My friend peels banana from the bottom ,not from the top (Greetings to Joanna!),which is extremely strange for me. My other friend when she is eating Delicje  ( cakes similar to Jaffa Cakes ,which you probably know better)  she only eats a sponge and she doesn’t eat jelly part, which amazes me, because I start with jelly part  and I don’t eat a sponge. What quirks do you have? Or maybe you know some "freaks"? ;). Don’t be afraid to confess me your quirks because someone once said:...

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