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In a trap of thinking patterns

I was sitting in a café at the corner and I was sipping a huge caramel latte. It probably has  thousand calories, but I had to get warm on this cool, but spring morning. It was just one of those days when I was dreaming about vacations and  I took a few days off to arrange some things for which I usually don’t have time and next I started missing active day at work. I finished last chapter of the book and I started staring at world around me. An elegant man about 40 years old, probably a manager in a large company, drank an espresso in a hurry, put in his belongings to a leather briefcase and went out...

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5 Benefits of Going Offline for one Day (and how to unplug)

During last long weekend, I realized how good it is to take a break from computer, internet and  phone for one or two days. Simply- digital detox;) Of course, I wanted to work during those  few days off, but I decided to leave my laptop at home, and I took only iPad with me, because  I wanted to prepare some posts for the next days. But spending time with my fiancé , totally offline, outside, sipping coffee on the terrace, listening to the birds singing was a bigger pleasure  than sipping coffee and sitting with my phone or laptop. So for 5 days, I took little detox from technology;) At first it wasn’t easy, but on the second day I...

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12 tips how to make your cheap clothes look expensive and luxury

It’s easy to spend all your salary in an expensive boutique, and enjoy a luxurious look. To be honest, I have never paid attention to the labels of my clothes. The most important was the final effect of the whole makeover. Therefore, I don’t persuade you to spend all your money and additionally take a loan to buy a pair of shoes. There are several reasonable ways to look like a million dollars without spending a million;) Here are 12 of my reliable tricks how to look luxurious by using cheaper counterparts and mass products. Sometimes it is enough to get some shopping and styling skills. What is worth remembering? Zostawić całą wypłatę w drogim butiku i cieszyć się luksusowym wyglądem...

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