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Past, present, future…

Today, I found my forgotten photos on my computer disk that I took at the beginning of last fall, but there was no time to share them with you. I thought that I keep moving forward, I do something new all the time so what’s the point of hoary old chestnut? I’ve even recently written text on my blog to live here and now. Odgrzebałam dzisiaj na dysku zapomniane zdjęcia, które wykonałam jeszcze na początku minionej jesieni i nie było czasu żeby się nimi z Wami podzielić. Tak sobie wtedy pomyślałam o tym, że idę cały czas do przodu, tworze ciągle coś nowego i czy w ogóle jest sens „odgrzewać jakieś stare kotlety”? Przecież nawet sama niedawno pisałam tekst o tym,...

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Here and now state of mind

Recently Monika Sałapat, owner of the Bonanza Style clothing brand , has invited me to her series of "Conversations over a cup of coffee." We talked about fashion, style, art. If you are curious about our womanish chatter, I invite you to Bonanza Style blog CLICK , where you can find the entire conversation. At some point, she asked me: "If you could go back in time? In what era, in terms of fashion, would you like to live? ". I didn’t think about stylings from the ‘20s or ‘60s,  which I would gladly come back, I just thought: I do not want to go back in time! I feel good here, now. Niedawno Monika Sałapat, właścicielka marki odzieżowej Bonanza Style,...

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