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My August Favorites

Hello! Because you really like my last post about favorites of the month, I found it a good idea to post such entries more often. August went by really fast and in a holiday mood, despite the fact that I haven’t gone for my vacation yet. What are my favorites of this month? Cześć! Ponieważ mój ostatni wpis z ulubieńcami spotkał się z Waszą sympatią, stwierdziłam, że to dobry pomysł, aby wprowadzać takie wpisy częściej. Sierpień upływa mi nadspodziewanie szybko i wakacyjnie, pomimo, że prawdziwy urlop dopiero przede mną. Co w tym miesiącu spodobało mi się najbardziej? Personalized Jewelery by Dedicante I like delicate and discreet jewelery, both gold and silver. I recently discovered DEDICANTE, online store, where you can choose...

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My July favorites

I often show you my favorite cosmetics and fashion discoveries on the blog, but somehow I have never had the chance to tell you about my non-beauty  and non-fashion favorites before . I often show you  them on Instagram and on Insta Stories and there are voices that I should prepare such  summary every month. Maybe thanks to such posts you will discover a new, interesting product that you will also like. In July I discovered a lot of new things and a lot of them inspired me so , I decided to gather them in one post. Just see what magnetised me. Moje ulubione kosmetyki oraz modowe odkrycia często pokazuję Wam na blogu, ale jakoś nigdy wcześniej nie miałam...

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