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Well, spring has finally come to us for good! These few (over a dozen) degrees Celsius more above zero as if by magic, brighten the reality and it worked on me like a wonderful elixir adding me strength and energy:). First walks have started, and parks, promenades and streets around the market square were full of people. We also decided to welcome spring weather. Here's why I love spring Sundays so much : No i wiosna zagościła u nas na dobre! Te kilka(naście) stopni Celciusza więcej na plusie, jak za dotknięciem magicznej różdżki, rozjaśniło rzeczywistość i podziałało na mnie jak cudowny eliksir dodający sił i energii :) Zaczęły sie pierwsze spacery, a parki, deptaki czy uliczki dookoła rynku wypełniły się ludźmi....

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5 Benefits of Going Offline for one Day (and how to unplug)

During last long weekend, I realized how good it is to take a break from computer, internet and  phone for one or two days. Simply- digital detox;) Of course, I wanted to work during those  few days off, but I decided to leave my laptop at home, and I took only iPad with me, because  I wanted to prepare some posts for the next days. But spending time with my fiancé , totally offline, outside, sipping coffee on the terrace, listening to the birds singing was a bigger pleasure  than sipping coffee and sitting with my phone or laptop. So for 5 days, I took little detox from technology;) At first it wasn’t easy, but on the second day I...

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