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One simple rule how to declutter your mind

Sometimes the amount of information makes me feel like my head is going to explode. I focus on trifles, I notice "everything" and then accumulation of these little things makes that I can’t  focus on something productive, because there is a mess in my mind , chaos and millions of small unimportant thoughts are in my head. You can go crazy;) Or have concentration problems ;) How to get rid of it? Katrina Mayer said : “Clutter isn’t just in your home, attic, garage or office. Clutter’s also in your mind and distracts you from doing the amazing things you’re meant to do”. Well, hard not to agree :). Czasami ilość informacji, która do mnie dociera sprawia, że moja głowa omal...

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My fashion must have for fall 2016. Shopping on

Summer wasn’t hot and long this year, and I’m not tired of summer yet , but when I’m thinking about  fall, golden carpet of leaves, nostalgic long evenings, then I can’t wait for fall trends. Especially that trends are absolutely fantastic this year! It’s going to be a season of very friendly trends :). Technically, I would wear everything from catwalks with pleasure. This fall I’m going to wear a lot of clothes from previous years, but there are some  trends that aren’t in my wardrobe, or they need to be replaced with the new ones. Therefore, I made my must-have list for fall, which containsvlatest fashion trends (even though, as you know it’s difficult to convince me to the latest trends and...

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